The Shield ONLINE

SSL: Lies About Rahab (and Jericho)

Season 8 Episode 13

As a child, I was taught again and again that the glory of God was somehow shined up by the genocidal destruction of Jericho when Israel entered the Promised Land. As an adult, I've heard and been taught and had it explained that this is true and that it is a good thing. That there can be Holy War where we kill our enemies and their children and their animals and God loves it.

Here's the problem:
That's not true.
It's not what this story is about.
It's not what we are supposed to get from it.
And it isn't AT ALL the intent, purpose, or hope of God.

In fact, the story isn't even really about Jericho. This is Rahab's story.  And it matters to you and I today, if we have ears to hear it.