The Shield ONLINE
Teachings, messages, vital life learning, irrelevances, and other musings about the Bible from The Salvation Army's Captain Roger McCort. Life has few guarantees, but here's one: You will find something new or interesting in every message or you can reach out to me and I will provide you with additional new and interesting facts, free of charge. Guaranteed.
331 episodes
SSL: Lies About Zacchaeus
The children's story of Zacchaeus the tax collector teaches kids that short people are inferior, rich people are evil, and that if you have enough money to spread around, both of those can be overlooked.This isn't even close to what the...
Season 8
Episode 14

SSL: Lies About Rahab (and Jericho)
As a child, I was taught again and again that the glory of God was somehow shined up by the genocidal destruction of Jericho when Israel entered the Promised Land. As an adult, I've heard and been taught and had it explained that this is true a...
Season 8
Episode 13

SSL: Lies About Jesus' Healing
Why did Jesus heal people? Was it because they came to him, repentant and ready to work for him, so he fixed them? Was it because he couldn't be around people who weren't perfect? Was it a way of buying their loyalty? Or was something else goin...
Season 8
Episode 12

SSL: Samson, a Love Story
He's been called the Superman of the Bible, but that's not at all who or what Samson was. The example of this strong man is found in how weak he really was...Today we share the REAL story of Samson, one that should never be in a childre...
Season 8
Episode 11

Lies About Sacrificing Isaac
There comes a moment in every boy's life when his father takes him up on a mountain to kill him... No, wait. That's not right, is it? And yet, somehow, we have got the idea in our head that God asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac is a great story...
Season 8
Episode 10

Sunday School Lies: The Disciples
There was this group of people called disciples who followed Jesus.How many were there and who were they and what did they do and was it the right thing or not?You probably think the answers to those questions are simple, because th...
Season 8
Episode 9

Sunday School Lies: Jonah (revisited)
I don't think Sunday School Teachers set out to lie to their charges - it usually happens because they are passing on wrong things they have been taught. They just don't take the time to research something that they think they already know. Or ...
Season 8
Episode 8

Sunday School Lies: David & Goliath
It's not unusual for people to simplify things for children. But when we do that with scripture, we can lose the original intent or even change the reason the story was included. This is BAD. Why? Because when you tell the story wrong, you alwa...

Unshakable Love
Christmas is over. What was the point of it all anyway? Why do we always seem to leave the holiday season with the feeling that something was or is missing? And is that something that can be fixed, or is it just the way things are?Today...
Season 8
Episode 6

Unexpected Gifts (Advent Week Four)
Dear Magi,Thank you for bringing gifts to help with the raising of our child. They sure came in handy! It wasn't more than an hour after you left that we needed to pack up and move to another country, and we never would have been able to...
Season 8
Episode 5

Unclean Visitors (Advent Week Three)
You know all those pictures of the blonde women with harps and halos and swan's wings flying over a bunch of shepherds and some sheep while spotlights from heaven light them all up while the birth of Jesus is announced?Where does any of ...
Season 8
Episode 4

We've grown a whole tragic mythology around the Christmas story that makes me CRAZY. This is supposed to be a CELEBRATION, people! Why do we insist on ignoring all the joy and adding false horrors into a tale that has enough difficulty of its o...
Season 8
Episode 3

Unexpected Pregnancies (Advent Week One)
There is HOPE in the real story of Christmas that you'll never find under a tree. There are examples of people who have been clinging to the world's shame and condemnation accepting - if somewhat dubiously at first - that God can and does love ...
Season 8
Episode 2

David Takes a Wife
A lot of stories people tell over and over take on a mythic quality. The story of the first American Thanksgiving is one of those. Happy Pilgrims and happy Indians planning out a feast of turkey and pumpkin pie is a fairy tale, not a history.
Season 8
Episode 1

Jump Like Jehoshaphat
"Jumpin' Jehoshaphat!" has been a humorous non-swear swear for a long time. But who was Jehoshaphat and why was he so jumpy?This week I'm going to tell you a story from the Old Testament which highlights the difficulty of remaining at pe...

Bible Horror Stories: Hush, Little Baby (rev)
We live in a world full of violence and pain. Our culture celebrates retribution and preemptive strikes - the destruction or at least submission of our enemies as payback for what they have (or might have) inflicted on us.The Bible certa...

Bible Horror Stories: Ghost Story
This week, the Return of Horror Stories from the Bible continues with a tale of ghosts or demons responding to a call from King Saul. Why would Israel's first king turn his back on the commands of God to chase after messages from the dead? And ...

Bible Horror Stories: Family Aflame
It's that time of year: Horror Stories of the Bible return to help lead us up to the celebration of all the saints who came before us. Today we delve into the twisted story of a man who was able to snatch bitter defeat from the jaws of victory....

Salting the Manure
Sure, the Beatitudes make a nice little framework for a life of faith in Jesus. Maybe I'll work on them sometimes, you know, like a church-related hobby. But we wouldn't want to go all in on them, would we? What would people think? We'd seem to...
Season 7
Episode 10

Please Persecute Me?
Is there any way to look at being made to suffer at the hands of others that could be considered any kind of a blessing? And yet, Jesus offers us this wild saying that says we are blessed when we are persecuted for righteousness! What the heck ...
Season 7
Episode 9

Wage Peace
"In the real world, that stuff [that Jesus said] doesn't work."This was said to me by a pastor friend as we discussed the importance of following the Way of Jesus as he laid it out. Our disagreement was about how we are to respond to those ...
Season 7
Episode 8

Purity and holiness sound like terribly boring religious concepts requiring us to lead dull lives enclosed in harsh boundaries, deprivation, and perfection. When we screw up, we're out, right? ZAP goes the lightning, then straight into the dept...
Season 7
Episode 7

Have Mercy
Sometimes people suck, and when they do they should be held up for ridicule and contempt and mockery... Oh, wait. That's what we DO, but is that what Jesus asks of his followers? Is it the example God provides us with? Or are we supposed to fin...
Season 7
Episode 6

In Sync and Hungry
Now that we've spent a few weeks talking about being blessed, let's talk about what the word BLESSED means and how it may not be exactly what we've been thinking it is. Then let's talk about the deeper meaning of righteousness and ...
Season 7
Episode 5

Meekness, Not Weakness
Just because things rhyme, that doesn't mean they are the same. If you use a cat for a bat, you'll never get a hit, and if you wear it as a hat, you'll probably regret it. And yet we tend to mix up meekness by thinking it is a weakness when the...
Season 7
Episode 4